John Rettstatt is an artist, designer, and woodworker based out of Columbus, Ohio. Utilizing numerous mediums, techniques, and disciplines his work has developed a visual language that is entirely it’s own characterized by intricate lines, intuitive forms, and subtle nods to the natural world…

"Art, for me, is the most ancient form of human expression there is - used as a tool of communication since the beginning of time. In my art, like so many artists before me, I draw my inspiration from nature - symbolism, myth, imagery, ancient patterns... these all show up over and over again in anything I make or that inspires me as a maker...

I am always striving to communicate something larger than myself, something that has the power to evoke an emotional response; To create objects that invite meeting between the material creation and immaterial human spirit. To me, that response is the message of all art, and the power in it is that the emotions evoked can be different in every person that is in relationship to the art itself.

It’s always been part of being human to be the giver and receiver of creative processes - to be the artist and the one who appreciates the art - they are one in the same, both are connected through their own projection of meaning and emotional responses to the art itself.

The aim it seems, is to let art be the catalyst to touch and be touched by this deep and ancient call to remember our universal humanity - that we can feel - across languages, cultures, time and space - together. To exist and be touched by something - to exist and touch others through our creations - this is something we always have and we can always participate in - something that is ours to hold and be held in. It is through this process that we can continue to tall our collective story - a story where we all have a unique roll to play and we all own a part of.”

Let’s Talk…